Your Nashua Dentist Shares: Follow a Proper Oral Hygiene Regimen for a Brighter Future

Nashua DentistOne of the best ways to protect your teeth and gums against tooth decay and gum disease is by practicing daily oral hygiene.  Not only does daily oral hygiene help prevent cavities and more serious dental complications from developing, but it can also help fight against bad breath. At every age, regular daily care of the mouth and gums is important.  To have good health, you need a mix of personal dental care, and the care of your dentist in Nashua with family dentistry services.  Your daily health care routine should include brushing, flossing and careful nutrition.  The following are recommended techniques for maintaining proper oral hygiene. 

Get the Most out of Your Brushing

Regular, thorough brushing is very important in preventing tooth decay and gum disease.  By brushing your teeth, you help to remove the bacteria that promote tooth decay and the plaque that can cause gum disease.  To get the most out of your brushing routine, follow these tips:
  • Ideally, you should brush after every meal.  If this is not possible, you should at least brush your teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed.
  • Use a regular or electric toothbrush with soft bristles
  • Replace your toothbrush regularly
  • Use a small amount of toothpaste
  • The best toothpaste has fluoride and the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance
  • Brush every surface gently and at a 45-degree angle.
  • Don’t rush your brush!  It should take at least 2 to 3 minutes to thoroughly brush your teeth
  • Be sure to brush your tongue, rinse your mouth and let your toothbrush air dry

Don’t Forget to Floss!

Not only do you have to brush your teeth every day, twice a day, but you should also floss your teeth as well.  Flossing helps to remove plaque and bacteria that you cannot reach with your toothbrush.  If you don’t floss, you are missing more than one-third of your tooth’s surface.  With plaque being the main cause of gum disease, it is important to floss at least once a day to ensure the proper removal of plaque. 
Within 24 to 36 hours, plaque hardens into tartar, or calculus, which can only be removed by a professional cleaning.  Flossing at least once a day will prevent plaque from getting a change to harden into tartar.  If you get into the habit of flossing daily while doing something else like watching TV or listening to music, for example, it can be easier to complete. 
If you take care of your teeth and gums at home and visit one of our dentists in Nashua regularly, your smile should last you a lifetime.  Together we are partners in keeping your oral health good for life. 
Talk to our Nashua, NH dentists today for more information on how you can properly maintain the health of your smile between dental visits.

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76 Allds Street
Nashua, NH 03060