What Crowns Can Do For Your Smile


Crowns are a restorative solution for dental patients who have generally healthy teeth, but problems with the outer layer (such as dental crowncracks, chips and intrinsic discoloration). They also help repair diseased teeth. You can get a new crown in about a month after just two or three appointments with a dentist at Nashua Smile Makers in Nashua, NH. Find out what crowns can do for your smile in both the short and long-term.

Make it Easier to Eat
If your teeth feel weak or vulnerable when you eat, a crown can help. Dental crowns are made of porcelain or metal – both do a great job of reinforcing the outer part of the tooth. When you chew on tough foods like meat or crunchy vegetables like corn, you can relax knowing that your tooth can handle it. A crown may also reduce sensitivity when you eat hot or cold foods.

Make Your Smile Look Better
One of the main reasons why people go to the dentist for crowns is to make the smile look better aesthetically. A crown can be created and placed at any position in the mouth, including the front teeth and the back molars. Your Nashua dentist can shape, color and contour your crown so that it looks just like adjacent teeth. Having a full, healthy smile will have long-term benefits, including increased confidence and self-esteem.

Repair Teeth and Protect Them from Tooth Decay
Dental crowns are also used to repair teeth that have been affected by tooth decay. Installing a dental crown is actually the final step of a root canal. After the tooth is cleaned and filled, an impression is taken so that a custom crown can be designed. The crown allows the inner part of the tooth to heal and get stronger after a root canal.

Call for Crowns
Learn more about the many wonderful benefits of dental crowns when you visit Nashua Smile Makers in Nashua, NH for a consultation. Call (603) 882-3727 today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Salvatore Guerriero or Dr. Salvatore Colletta.

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Nashua, NH 03060