Finding the Perfect Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment for You


Want a whiter brighter smile? People want to smile confidently but discolored, cracked and chipped teeth don't usually add to someone's confidence. Cosmetic dentistry restores teeth and rejuvenates your smile, and Dr. Salvatore Guerriero and Dr. Salvatore Colletta can help at their Nashua, NH, office.

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Not all cosmetic procedures are created the same. Meaning, some are purely cosmetic, while other provide restorative or preventative care. Cosmetic dentistry isn't just for adults, but for children too, and is generally used to improves the appearance/aesthetic of teeth and gums in terms of their color, position, shape and alignment.

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

  • Cosmetic Bonding repairs small chips or cracks in teeth that are a result of poor habits, like teeth grinding.
  • Dental Implants is a long-term solution for people who have lost teeth. Dental implants restore your smile and reinforce the jawbone to prevent bone deterioration.
  • Invisalign Clear Aligners are probably one of the best ways to straighten teeth for older teens and young adults because it's a discreet orthodontic treatment that fixes slight gaps and crooked teeth.
  • Porcelain Veneers are wafer-thin oral appliances that your Nashua dentist adheres to the surface of your teeth to hide large chips and cracks, discoloration, and reshape teeth.
  • Teeth Whitening brighten faded or discolored teeth to rejuvenate your smile, especially if you're an avid coffee or tea drinker.
  • Tooth-Colored Fillings restore cavities left in the wake of decay but the advantage of tooth-colored fillings is that no one will know the fillings even exist because they blend in with your natural teeth.

Who should you contact?

If you're interested in learning more about cosmetic dentistry, call Dr. Salvatore Guerriero and Dr. Salvatore Colletta at Nashua Smile Makers in Nashua, NH, at (603) 882-3727 to learn more.

Call Today 603-882-3727

76 Allds Street
Nashua, NH 03060